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Thursday, November 10, 2011 10:41 PM

Life after sports club seems unexpectedly peaceful. No frequent reminisce, no yearning for the past, no reluctance to leave, no auto-walking back to clubroom when I don’t have things to do there. Ok, maybe it’s coz I’m still there on weekends. But it’s different. On weekends nowadays, it’s just a cold, empty place with only remnants of the invisible cheer we had in the past. It has become just a shell for me to mug in when I don’t feel like going Utown. Gone were the days when I keep wanting to go there, to get my daily fix of laughter and craziness. Allowing me to still have access to that place is good enough.

Unlike many others in 31st, I know most of the 32nd. But it’s still different. The vibe is different, we were more crazy in a stupid way which actually was more fun for me and hopefully for the others as well. Fortunately, I don’t care anymore. It’s not a SC thing anymore. It’s now a social and friends thing. Tomodachi. I don’t see the people there as a family, like I did with 31st. Told ya, its the vibe.

And unexpectedly too, I’ve grown closer to my chem peeps. It’s really true that only the ones going through the same things as you will understand.

~My blog content's getting simpler nowadays. Maybe coz my brain doesn't have the capacity to think more than what I have for work. =(

Walking on,
my own dusty road

Wednesday, November 02, 2011 4:36 PM

Sudden disappointment and then sudden emptiness. First I got the message that people don't want to go for Epilogue for various reasons. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks its fun, maybe I'm the only who is still holding on to something here. Whatever the reason is, I only know that something pricked me. Everyone's going in their own direction and I'm stuck here. Not because I hold on too tightly to the memories made here, but because of my hope that we still have the time to make more memories together, and maybe expand the family a lil further. But I also know that everyone thinks in their own ways, with their own agenda. So well, no one's to blame. I just hope that regardless of the stupid dress code and your busy schedules that everyone can come together for a night and have fun together. We are all already aware that the time we have left together is decreasing exponentially. I know of one who definitely feels the same way as I do. We'll see how.

And then came another expected/unexpected information, unexpected due to the timing but expected due to the contents. Another one down. Blame it on my pessimism but I would say that it's a fact that when people get attached, half of them are gone from your friendship. They always say, find your other half, coz you end up giving half of yourselves as well. As with the balance in the world, when one thing decreases, another must increase. I always imagine all of us on a ship (probably a pirate one, watched too much one piece) sailing down the Grand Line in search of what we are looking for in our lives. Then one by one, they find it on some island along the way, leaving less and less on board this ship. Finally one day, I realized that hey, I'm the only one left on the deck. And what exactly am I still looking for? I had what I was looking for, but now they are gone. By then, I would be too tired to look some more.

I've gotta learn how to be friends with myself. I think that's the only way out.

Walking on,
my own dusty road

12:56 AM

Walking on,
my own dusty road

12:35 AM

Shall update my blog before I start another bout of mugging for my next test. Forever having tests. Just had one like three hours before. It’s so very true that my blog is never much of a happy blog. Well, I do use it mainly to vent out stuff that I can never rant out in public. Afterall, what’s the point of showing displeasure, disdain, unhappiness in front of others when it doesn’t help the situation? Might as well be cheerful and lighten up everyone’s mood. Coz I fairly well know that behind those faces, there are enough problems to face already.

Hit a drain (more like monsoon longkang) in my FYP these days. My analytical results are not getting anywhere, my research is not getting anywhere and I am not getting anywhere. I just can’t concentrate on both project and modules at the same time. I’m just trying to do the manual experiments and stuff, leaving the analysis part to the holidays when I can finally sit down (best with a Starbucks grande white choc mocha latte) flip my 3 years worth of analytical notes and figure out what the hell I’ve synthesized. Me and my infinitely growing pile of spectrums and data sheets. I think I’m supposed to be emo about hitting an all-time low in my FYP, but seems like I can’t even put in the effort to emo. Too tired everyday.

One another note, you know whenever I read your tweets like that, my heart feels something like the Grim Reaper’s grasp. Bony finger tightening across. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get out of the thought, or more like the fact, that the reason you are like the way you are right now is me. I’m actually wondering if you do consider how the things you write affects me and doing it on purpose. I try to let things return to normal and all. I know you try hard too. But I still do wonder how things will turn out when I do see you again. Hopefully we can let bygones be bygones and start over again, like how me and WJ erased that period of time. That it never happened. And things were as fun and nice as before. I’m also wondering if this will be the last time I get to talk about such things in the near future since I don’t think sakura trees fall on people so many times in a year. Ok, I admit it fell on me twice within a sem, but that’s anomaly ok. ANOMALY.

Also, I’m getting Full Colours award this Friday on top of Appreciation. Someone please explain to me why I’m getting Full Colours. Not that I’m unhappy, it’s just that I don’t know why I’m getting it! I can’t recall any Outstanding Performance during the past one year besides my never-ending renovation proposal. I’m thinking if I do ask people this question, they’ll will probably think I’m hao-lian-ing. But I REALLY DON’T KNOW WHY! Zzz. Don’t like to receive awards for things I don’t know about, just feels very hypocrite (Is that the correct word?)

And I’m happy to get to know the incoming 32nd MC as well. Did their photoshoot for them, though I must say my photography skills are like KNS. (I only have a good eye for composition =P) Seems like KY was right, I, like him, can never fully leave SC. Generations after generations of MC. Although the new 32nd are a bit fuzzy right now, but I think I will still make some good friends in the end. I guess after all these while, my heart is still there.

The one best decision that I have ever made in my entire uni life, and possibly my entire life until now, would be to join Sports Club. I never regretted. Though there were things that put me off here and there, rocky road with people and relations, and of course the most recent saga, I still firmly acknowledge my participation in SC to be the BEST decision I have made. After trying to end my term there, trying to cut off from it, I finally realised there is no point in doing that. It is still the place where I derive the most joy from, where I can still feel the belonging (though yes yes, we have no place there anymore – quoted from SY).

Walking on,
my own dusty road


. NUSSSC 31st Mgmt Comm
. NUSSSC RunNUS 2010
. National University of Singapore B.Sc(Hons) Chemistry
. National Junior College 06S22
. NJ Badminton, ExCo '06 - '07
. Innova Junior college 0623A (1st intake)
. Anderson Secondary 1/1, 2/1, 3/3, 4/3
. ANDSS Badminton
Valerie Yeo

Create your badge


. Kate Spade
. Tiffany & Co.
. Fossil
. For everyone around me to be happy



[NJ Bmt]


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